Thoughts on "Playing to the Gallery"

Komar and Melamid - "America's Most Wanted Painting" 1994-1997 I have recently started reading "Playing to the Gallery" by Grayson Perry. This is half because I like Grayson Perry, and half because the operating of art markets, tastes and gallery spaces is something I know little about. As is purpose of this blog, I often find it reassuring to write down and have a proper record of what I've learnt and my ideas. Essentially, I like making glorified notes. However, I want to try a different approach this time to the one I took in my last post. I will be the first to admit it might have been a bit verbose, or not massively coherent. This time, I have decided to list the key quotes and ideas by Perry I identified in the first chapter - that is "Democracy has Bad Taste - and see if I have any ideas about these of my own. Obviously this is mainly Perry talking, not me. That said, I think it's interesting to really focus on specific ideas! Thi...